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Talk about farm safety and farmer wellbeing during 2023 National Farm Safety Week

Melina Bath urges primary producers to prioritise farm safety and health during National Farm Safety Week. She emphasises the risks faced by farmers, the need for vigilance, and the importance of promoting a safe workplace culture.

By news@gippsland - 12th July 2023 - Back to News

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath is encouraging our primary producers to be vigilant when it comes to farm safety and their health and wellbeing during National Farm Safety Week. Farm Safety Week 2023 runs from Sunday 16 July through to Sunday 23 July. "Growing up on a dairy farm I understand the multiple safety risks faced by primary producers and the vigilance needed to maintain the health and wellbeing of farmers, their families, employees, contractors and visitors."

National Farm Safety Week is an annual event to promote safety on farms and encourage farmers to take stock of their health and wellbeing

National Farm Safety Week is an annual event to promote safety on farms and encourage farmers to take stock of their health and wellbeing

Looking after farmers wellbeing

Ms Bath said, "Farm safety is complex with many farms being both a workplace and the family home - understanding and mitigating the many risks is paramount. Being a farmer is more than an occupation, it's a 24 hour, seven day a week commitment, performed in all weather and often alone in remote locations."

"Our agriculture workers face many physical and mental pressures each and every day. It's important to look after the physical and emotional wellbeing of our farmers by talking about risk, seasonal pressures, stress, mental health, fatigue management, safe work practices, education, training, and succession planning."

"Our farmers are the vital link to maintaining food security and growing fibre to sustainably supply the textiles industry - creating safer farms and a safe workplace culture is vital," he said.

Farm safety awareness

National Farm Safety Week is about taking time to hold important conversations about the complexity of farm safety and making it safer for everyone. Ms Bath said our farmers are the lifeblood of our community, the essential work they perform clothed and fed us.

"Each day farmers encounter high-risk situations through the operation of heavy machinery, handling of unpredictable animals and the use of chemicals. Statistics tell us that our farms are Australia's most dangerous workplaces, last year 55 people tragically lost their life on a farm."

"Farm machinery accidents involving tractors and quad bikes dominate the statistics, making up 40 per cent of all farm fatalities. Given the importance of the work farmers do, promoting safety, assessing risk, identifying, and talking about the dangers of farm work is an important conversation worth having," Ms Bath said.

Farm safety focus

Ms Bath said living and working in regional communities, The Nationals understand the importance of farmers and maintaining the productivity of our agriculture industry. "Fatigue and stress can be a contributing factor in accidents and illness for farmers so having regular check-ups with health care professionals needs to be encouraged."

"During National Farm Safety Week, I am encouraging farmers to take stock of safety and their health and wellbeing, as safe farms and well farmers are something we can all embrace," she said.

Pictures from Melina Bath MP website.


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